Très satisfait1 avis
  • ≤5h
    Temps de réponse moyen
  • 100.0%
    Taux de livraison dans les délais
  • US $20,000+
    {0} commandes
Personnalisation complète
Identification de la traçabilité des matières premières
TUV mark
Voir toutes les capacités vérifiées ({capacitiesNum})
Avis sur l’entreprise (1)
5.0 /5
Très satisfait
  • Fournisseur Service
  • Expédition ponctuelle
  • Produit Qualité
Hello After receiving the order, it turned out that the supplier was not able to provide me with documents confirming the payment of duty. This meant that I can not legally sell this product in Poland and in the European Union. In addition, in the correspondence on What's Up, the seller conducted the conversation so that its final effect came after 30 days from delivery, so I can not request a refund. The effect is that: I do not have goods (I can not sell them), I do not have money for these goods, and I have a lot of problems with customs. I certainly will not risk another one with this seller. Definitely not recommended.

    Réponse du fournisseur :

    Hi friend, i can understand your mood and situation now. but in July before you order and make the payment, i have told you that your goods will be shipped by train to Europe, and the transport company will do the customs clearance by themselves and pay all costs and duties by themselves. then after they pick up the goods, they will deliver goods to you. you don't need to do anything and don't need to pay any charges, just wait to receive the goods at your address. and i told you, the transport company will not give you any documents. anyway you will receive your goods. now you have already received goods. regarding the problem you meet now, i am trying to ask the transport company to give any documents if they can, but until now our China transport agent has not get any reply from Europe. I am really sorry to hear the problems you meet. i would like to support you at my best if i can.
    09 Dec 2022
    Voir tous les avis
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